About Me!
Hey, I’m Meghan, the school-based OT that everyone keeps on speed-dial! I love helping parents and teachers resolve concerns about a child’s pencil grasp, illegibility, poor coordination, and more. If you don’t find what you’re looking for right away, shoot me an email and I’d be happy to help!

Are you struggling to help #allstudentsachieve?
Sign up here to get more info on a research-based intervention program that targets developmental deficits and transforms them into unlimited building blocks to succes!
Changing Lives of Children and Teachers Alike
I’m ALWAYS adapting those pesky one-line or no-line empty space worksheets that teachers send home for homework. This saves so much time and the kids think it’s the coolest thing!
Laura, The OT Butterfly
Pediatric OTWooTape gives kids the visual boundaries they desperately need! Just tear off and tape. It easily erases and can be moved. I noticed a big change in legibility!
Katie G.
School OTI can use the different sizes for the differing needs of my students. WooTape gives my students visual boundaries and improves their sizing significantly. I highly recommend it for any teacher or parent!